
Auckland's emissions

Auckland’s GHG emissions (carbon dioxide equivalent)

Source: StatsNZ: Regional greenhouse gas emissions statistics

Proportion of regional GHG emissions by source (2022)

Source: StatsNZ: Regional greenhouse gas emissions statistics

Notwithstanding its GDP contribution of 37%, Auckland produced only 14% of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2022.

As a region, Auckland has made meaningful progress in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions over the last 15 years or so, with a 13.3% reduction in emission levels between 2007 – 2022. This rate of emission reduction outstrips that achieved by the rest of New Zealand, down only 6% over the same period.

Like many cities and regions around the world, Auckland has prioritised the transition to a low-carbon economy, having recognised the additional economic gain that could be delivered if warming is limited to 1.5⁰C.

    • Despite contributing over 37% of New Zealand’s GDP in 2022, Auckland only produced 13.9% of its greenhouse gas emissions.

    • Over 60% of New Zealand’s emissions are produced by the primary industries, of which there is very small concentration in Auckland – in fact, only 7.9% of Auckland’s emissions stem from primary industry activity.

    • Auckland produced a similar proportion of New Zealand’s greenhouse gases prior to the pandemic (2019) as well – 13.5%.

    • As an urban economy with a large population, 25% of Auckland’s greenhouse gas emissions stem from households (mostly through transport), whereas for the rest of New Zealand it is only 10%.

    • Auckland also has a larger proportion of its emissions (28%) from manufacturing compared to the rest of New Zealand (10%).

    • Auckland has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions from 2007-2022 by 13.3%, more than the rest of New Zealand (6%).

    • The impact of the pandemic on Auckland’s greenhouse gas emissions was clear, down 8% in 2020 compared to the year prior.

    • The Auckland region’s Climate Action Framework, Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri, and the Auckland Plan 2050 prioritise the move to a low-carbon economy, with a target of net zero emissions by 2050.

    • A 2023 report published by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited as part of its Economic Insights Series shows that decisive climate action could deliver $22b of additional economic gain by 2050 if warming is limited to 1.5⁰C.

Source: StatsNZ: Regional greenhouse gas emissions statistics

Auckland Economic Monitor

A summary of key economic information about the region

Auckland’s economy: What’s changed?

Deep dives

Cost of living

Inflation reached levels not seen since the 80s in 2022 and remains above historical levels.

Investment & trade

Auckland plays a significant role in the country’s investment and trade landscape.

Auckland’s industrial employment areas

Trends over the last two decades.


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